Thursday, November 12, 2015

October 11, 2015

Dear Friends and Family,

I love general conference!!! It is better than Christmas as a missionary!! But maybe even over general conference was all the members in our branch here telling me I looked like Zac Efron this week...almost brought me to tears I was so happy. ;) Christmas came two months early this year!

Well I think the thing I learned most from conference was how amazing my mom is. I know that as a missionary I cant really lie, so everyone should know that she is perfect! It made me so grateful for my amazing parents and my family for how much they have helped me in my life! Bummed that they are all partying it up in KY without me, but I am grateful beyond belief to have the opportunity to share this gospel of happiness every single day!!

This week was super great, we got to go on splits on tuesday in another area, and I got to do a fun training with the district. The theme for it was `I heart dendou`. dendou means missionary work in Japanese. And we were able to go through a lot of the points that made this work so enjoyable, I was able to learn so much as I prepared and learned from the scriptures. Splits were way fun, we found all kinds of awesome people in the area of Taniyama! We made a goal at the beginning of the day to find a 25-30 year old dude who would want to learn more and listen, and we found this amazing super cool stud who was pumped to hear a message and basically set up an appointment with us!! The Lord blesses as we plan and make goals and then work our butts off to accomplish them!

Back in sendai it was kind of crazy all week, with lots of activities and general conference among other things. But we were still able to find and talk with a lot of people. And find some people in our area that are way prepared to hear this message including a super awesome guy named yoshimade, he is 20 and was way pumped to learn and here more about christianity! What more could you ask for? We are meeting with him soon so I will let you know how that goes!

Yesterday we saw an awesome miracle! So Paul and Roel the two Filipinos who have baptismal dates have a neighbor and friend named Wan from china that we had met before and he seemed like he wanted to hear more. He had met with the missionaries a little bit before and was interested, so we finally were able to meet with him yesterday. He is amazing!! He was taking everything in and just realized the true amazingness of the gospel. (I know amazingness probably isnt a word) he was accepting everything we said as truth, as he had never really heard anything about God in his life before and had no idea. It all just sounded so amazing to him, it is amazing to see the Lord preparing these people to hear the message! We were able to commit him to be baptized on the same day as Roel and Paul! So please pray that they will all be able to be baptized on 11/8!

The work is moving along so well here in Sendai, and the Lord has truly blessed us beyond belief because of the work we are putting in. I am nowhere near perfect, but I am grateful for the Lord for making up for my imperfections and preparing the way for the gospel to roll forth among the people here! This is just the start and we have an amazing vision for what sendai will become in the near future! Lets work hard!! WHOOT!

I love this church, I know that it is true. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that Thomas S. Monson is our living prophet today. We are so lucky to have that influence and power on this earth again, and we can never be grateful enough to God for everything he gives us!

Life is great!!!


Elder Krebs

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