Thursday, November 12, 2015

September 14, 2015

This week was faster than a typhoon...

This week was a lot of knocking on doors and we saw soooo many miracles! It was crazy how many people were prepared to hear this message and we have all the appointments with them this week so we are going to be very busy. I can`t even put into words how much the Lord blessed us last week as Elder Quinn and I both made a concentrated effort to improve ourselves. The Lord definitely noticed us putting in that little bit of extra work. We were able to make 18 return appointments which should definitely keep us nice and busy, I am so grateful for this work and for the Lord for preparing these peoples hearts!

We had one great experience on thursday as we were going around we remembered a family that we had met about 3 weeks ago, who said we could come back when it was September so we decided to swing by. It was the greatest moment ever, the mom opened the door and was super happy to see us and wanted us to come back to teach the kids and the parents. We have a family home evening activity planned to do with the two parents and 4 kids tonight. It was such a crazy miracle to see how willing she was to just let us into her home and to learn about this wonderful gospel!

Friday we got to have splits, I went with Elder Allen who is a 15 transfer missionary (realy old) and it was a good time, he is absolutely hilarious and we were able to find a lot of people who were willing to have us come back and teach some more. #TooManyMiracles

Saturday we got to see Yudai play some basketball, his middle school team played an adult team and were beating them pretty good. Couldnt have made the adults feel very good about themselves. ;) Then we had an eikaiwa with some kids, it is so great to see them gain interest in learning english, more kids come every single week from this area of apartments and they all love learning. So much different from American kids, I cant imagine ever taking an hour and a half out of my saturday to go listen to people speak japanese...

Sunday we had an amazing lesson with Shimabukuro she has been an investigator for a while, the lesson yesterday was really special and spiritual. We were all feeling the spirit very strongly and were all being influenced by it for sure it was helping Elder Quinn and I testify more boldly, we brought a member who was crying pretty hard the whole time as we testified of the truthfulness of the restoration and the prophet Joseph Smith it made me so grateful for everything I have been able to learn and know as I grew up about these things. I love this gospel so much, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share it with everyone!

I just want to leave you with one of my favorite scriptures

Jacob 6:12 - be wise, what more can I say


Love you all so much,

Elder Krebs

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