Thursday, November 12, 2015

October 18, 2015

Please read the subject line for a description of what this week was like! (This week was cool!)

We had some good times this week as we were teaching, and knocking, and teaching, and knocking. I feel like the pioneer children! But I am also so grateful for the time that I have. Nothing brings me happiness more than being able to talk with someone about the awesomeness of the gospel and testifying to them about the joy it has brought to my life! 

Paul, Roel, and Wan the three people with baptismal dates are progressing really well  right now. They are so excited to be baptized and are excited for the help and happiness that it is going to bring to their lives! They always talk about wanting to be free from the bad things and from past mistakes. They truly understand the importance of the gospel and what they can gain from it, so please pray that they will be able to take that step in following Christ through baptism on November 8! 

We were able to go around and meet a lot of really nice people, and set up appointments to meet with them again! One awesome lady Uenojo was way excited to meet with us as she had gone to a christian school but never paid attention so she wants to learn more now! She is so kind, and a really great person! The Lord is truly preparing Sendai!

I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve the Lord! I am grateful that He chose President Egan as our mission president. We had interviews this week and it was such a great experience, you can just feel how much he truly loves the work, the Lord, and all of the missionaries. I am grateful for him and all of his hard work! 

Sunday was one of the best days of my mission! We had district conference. And nobody remembers except for my mom maybe but Miyazaki was my first area. And it is in the district that I am in now. So I got to see ALL the members again! It was amazing, so fun to see them and talk to them and actually understand what they are saying now. It was a huge tender mercy from the Lord, they are all so happy and it was just amazing as well to see just how much I have changed since then! 

I love the Lord!

Love you all so much, even my family who keeps bragging about how fun their week together in Kentucky was...even them. ;)

Elder Krebs

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