Thursday, November 12, 2015

September 27, 2015

Hello everyone!!

Well this week was crazyyyyyyyy. We finished off the week, trying to pack and get as many lessons in as possible in Ishigaki. Which was a wonderful experience of being able to share my last testimony with many of the wonderful investigators that I have gotten so close to over the past four months on that beautiful island. I am grateful for everything that I was able to learn there and for all the amazing experiences I was able to have there. But also bummed as I left right as it was starting to cool down a little bit :( 

On thursday morning I flew to Naha, then I flew to Fukuoka, then I got to ride a bullet train down to sendai, it was WAY cool. Ridiculously fast and way smooth it was a neat experience. I got down to sendai finally and met my new companion Elder Malone, he is a 2nd transfer missionary who is fluent at Japanese because he is half! #Blessings the Lord knew I would need some help. I am excited to work down here in this wonderful area of Sendai! The ward here is amazing, and loves the missionaries, we hardly have to shop they give us so much stuff. It is beautiful. And they give us a lot of help with missionary work and helping us teach lessons and other things like that, they are really great and really helpful. 

We have some really great investigators that they have been working with for a while and just have a couple problems before baptism but we should be able to help them receive baptism soon! And I am wanting to focus on just getting TONS of new people to teach, to work on teaching as many people as possible through lots of knocking doors and working with members to ask for referrals! I am excited to see this area explode and help the people in Sendai receive the true gospel of Jesus Christ! 

The apartment I am in is easily the youngest in the mission, a full mission is 16 transfers. And all of ours added up is 15. We have a first transfer new missionary straight from America, Elder Murdock. Then my companion Elder Malone who is still a second transfer. Then me and one of my friends from the MTC that I came to Japan with Elder Scheunmen (probably spelled it wrong) But we have been having a lot of fun, and are excited to see this mission see a lot of success and this area.

A gospel topic I have been focusing and thinking about a lot lately is the law of the harvest. That we truly reap what we sow. We have to go out there and give it everything that we have not holding anything back and the Lord can`t help but bless us out the wazzooo. I am grateful for that promise as it motivates me and gives me the hope to work as hard as possible, even when it gets hard sometimes.

I love you all so much, and hope you have a great week!


Elder Krebs

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