What a fun week! we went on lots of splits this week. Meaning that I didn't get to work with my companion in Yamaguchi from Monday to Friday, so that was interesting! We saw all kinds of crazy miracles though as we went to other areas to work! And we get a perfect score on our cleaning check...#YouHeardRightMaMa #SubtleBrag
We first went to shimonoseki which is farther down south, I went with a 16th transfer missionary who goes home soon and I learned a ton from him. He is an amazing missionary and we were able to find them a super solid nice young family to teach! I really learned from Elder Horstmeier just how to love the people, and to care so much for them. He truly just gave his heart to everyone he talked to and helped them feel the love of Christ so easily!
Then we went to another area for district meeting, the last of the transfer because we have a huge worldwide missionary broadcast next week. Stay tuned on what's going down, it should be fun! We got an awesome training from our wonderful district leader Elder Madsen who also goes home soon, it really helped us and was exactly what I needed. I am grateful for awesome mission leaders like him who help me and really push myself to progress to be better!
Then splits in Yahata... yahata desu. The splits where I basically threw away another missionaries bike...It was a party, they have two solid missionaries down there! I went with elder Lords and in the morning we had a lesson to go to that was about an hour bike ride. The other Elders bike is way dead and so we were worried it might just quit on the ride, and boy were we right. It was one of the hardest rides of my life...turns out I had been riding on a flat tire for about 10 minutes...it popped about 30 minutes into the ride. So we were far away from everything with no bikes. We were able to hop on a train and make it to the lesson. But we still had the problem with his bike, so we decided the most effective thing was to just ditch it at an apartment and try to get his companion a new bike from a returned missionary (which we did....so hakuna matata) but it was a pretty hilarious experience when I look back at it ;) and because of it we found a super prepared break dancer who is fluent at English. Basically the coolest person ever. He used the word dope repeatedly so we got along well. He loved what we taught and wanted to learn more and change his life to give himself more direction! Elder Lords is a stud I learned so much from him, especially about just being strong and bold as a missionary. He is 6'6" and pretty yoked, so I just need to think taller and be bolder
Saturday was a blast in Yamaguchi! We were able to teach a couple solid lessons to some new investigators who seemed really excited to learn more! Both of them have families who are totally all going to be baptized! The lord has truly been blessing us with his prepared people as we go out and work! Everyone just wants to hear the gospel here!
Sunday was an awesome day as well! Freezing and rainy! But a blast and a half, made me realize just how much I love this work. That even when I am wet and cold and can hardly feel my toes I still just want to keep going to talk to one more person to help them feel Gods love just a little bit more in their life. And those feelings are not from me at all, the Lord has helped change my thoughts and my desires so much and I am so grateful for Jesus Christ and his atonement and how it has changed me so much in my life!
I was thinking the other day about just how amazing it is that one man, a man born in a stable and raised as a carpenter could affect the world and everything in it so much through one event. How he could love the world enough to sacrifice literally everything so that we could be saved from sin, and live with our families forever, and return to our Heavenly Father. Just one man who changed everything. How grateful I am to the savior and everything that he has done for me and my family.
Love you all so much,
Elder Krebs
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